Saturday, February 9, 2019


Listening to the recent shrill social justice calls about blackface being a horrific past racist mark in 100% of cases continues to grate on me, as I observe yet another dumbing-down of society and crime against historical truth taking place in the name of political correctness for current political ends.  What is most abhorrent to me is observing those who ought to know better doing the work of the Marxist America-haters as they jump on the revisionist band wagon in a forlorn quest to appear as racially "woke" as any leftist in demonizing any instance of blackface, no matter the lasting consequences.
This writer is old enough to remember a time when Mark Twain's Huck Finn was widely read in the original, and Joel Chandler Harris' Brer Rabbit was still thought to be a fine series for children.  (I also had a "Little Black Sambo" book when a small child, though later I was in a group sponsored by the post-1960s restaurant Sambo's that had whitefaced its public image.)  I am not here to defend Ralph Northam's college antics by any means, as that photo with the post-Simmons era KKKlansman would have only been funny had his buddy been a genuine student of color.  (I will admit being personally amused at the nonsense directed against Virginia governor primary candidate Corey Stewart for being pro-Confederate monument and pro-Virginian heroes (of whatever skin color), only to be defeated by race-baiting, South-hating RINO propaganda, and the irony that Gillespie was then defeated by Northam.  Gillespie would have done better to check Northam's yearbook rather than worrying about Stewart -- but RINOs worrying most about conservatives is another topic.)

The truth of the matter is that skin color - by itself - means nothing.  If a particular character - like Othello, or like the Watermelon Man who changes from white cracker to a black man - has a particular skin color or other attributes, then the makeup must follow.  Any prejudice, hatred or demeaning intentions - and yes, admiration, love and/or praise - should and will be adjudged by the objective and wise critic.  Shakespeare is under enough attack as a DWM (dead white man) and - mostly - for being so emblematic of the achievements of Western Civilization and Elizabethan England that the hard Left would love to add the demonization of blackfaced characters to the list of false charges.  While there would be a certain ironic justice in seeing today's politics demonize THE Master of political spin (circa 1590-1611), anyone seeking any wisdom whatsoever must rise above simplistic and revisionist definitions of details such as blackface or words.  The hard Left works diligently to redefine such things (i.e., pre-1950 usage of the word 'gay') such that current and future readers must resist the devil's temptation to become distracted.

It's now the same with blackface.  There's a fine little video on YouTube posted by "Today I Found Out" called Al Jolson - Misunderstood Hero or Villain?   Despite a couple of quibbles about the post-Simmons era KKK (i.e., the percentage of members in Indiana was one-quarter of voting-age men, and that heyday of that era's KKK was over by 1925 and D.C. Stephenson's trial - before talkies), they do a great job reminding us that there was a time in segregated America when blackfaced entertainers were a POSITIVE - because it was one of the few ways persons of color COULD be portrayed to the white audiences of the time.  Many people (of all skin colors) realized this was a part of the civil rights struggle of their times and done in order to get to that better, brighter future.  (Personal note - please enjoy I Love to Singa - with Al Jolson & Cab Calloway - I only discoverd this after a cartoon about the song.)

Another reason that Jolson is less offensive to me than some other blackfaced characterizations and performances is that minstrelsy was itself an American art form - at one time, celebrated throughout the world. 

 (Demonizing American history is, after all, what the hart Left does, as America-haters cannot allow the possibility of a positive American heritage and history.)  Minstrelsy was not dependent upon using blackface.  Minstrels could be any skin color.  The Georgia Minstrels were one of many such groups - one which toured internationally, and which was not bound by stereotypes.

Most people today have no idea just how popular throughout the world Thomas Dartmouth "Daddy" Rice's "Jim Crow" character was.  After 25 years of being celebrated throughout the world, it was Rice's blackfaced character who originated the Uncle Tom character in "Life Amongst the Lowly" in the first performances of Uncle Tom's Cabin.  And whilst this writer is no advocate for antebellum Yankee abolitionist agitation, I would think most who remember Lincoln's comments to Harriet Beecher Stowe might well credit a blackface performance as being an effective tool in her propaganda.  It is a nod to the power and influence of Rice's Jim Crow character - as well as the Uncle Tom character - that those names have been so reused and redefined through subsequent cultural applications.  Just a reminder to those unfamiliar with the actual history:  the character of Uncle Tom was a beloved, respected man, just as the original Jim Crow persona was more of a Will Rogers social critic - much more meaningful and worthy than SJWs would have us believe.

I think of all these who now demonizing blackface one day coming across Gene Wilder in Silver Streak.  Of course, 1976 was - just as with these current politicians and their photographs - a time when Richard Pryor was recognized as a star, a genius AND actually funny (unlike most of today's political comedy).  It was post-segregation-era, either actual or de factoSpike Lee's Bamboozled Blackface Montage intersperses scenes from Jolson and Stepin Fetchit (Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry - his real name - became a millionaire, by the way) to emphasize the stereotypical aspects.  But I must argue that one could make similar montages concerning any stereotype.  I grew up with many of those images.  I guess - given this montage - that we are being told that we MUST demonize Gene Wilder AND Richard Pryor as being racists, hmmm Mr. Lee?

Entertainment is not real life.  The problem with the images that Spike Lee presents is not that they existed.  The problem is that there weren't enough Paul Robesons and Sidney Poitiers (for two examples) doing fine performances to balance them.  It is also important to remember that such performers were out there, albeit in more limited venues.  Valuing what people do in challenging times is often one of the ways we document progress - even if it is in noting what people do in order for their children to have those opportunities.

No one but a racist sees any of those images and thinks such is what all persons of color are, just as no one but a racist thinks that this is what all one group perceives of them.  And no one but a Marxist divider seeks to perpetuate either view.  Sometimes a character is just a character.  In John Ford's Judge Priest, for one example, Frank Melton's barber Flem Talley is more offensive a character than Stepin Fetchit's Jeff Poindexter.  The barber is a hateful jerk, whilst Jeff is Judge Priest's friend and helper.   The viewer today will not know that Will Rogers and Lincoln T.M.A. Perry were friends in real life, nor that chicken thieving was a great virtue amongst Confederate veterans.  But Spike Lee tries to ensure that his audience knows that Judge Priest is a racist pro-Confederate movie and nothing more - and this deeply concerns me.  What else shall the Left destroy, along with Mark Twain's and Joel Chandler Harris' works?  Now, every movie with a blackface scene must be hatred and nothing more if the Left has their way.

And here's the rub...  Every blackface scene or mention of the Confederacy - for two examples - begs the script, of apologies for slavery and racism.  And yet, as a woman, all that happened prior to 1919 doesn't beg a script for apologies over depriving women of the vote.  For another example... Many of the same people promoting social justice these days tend to be those who are feeding anti-Semitism, quite the opposite of apologies for both slavery and hatred - and genocide, given how the WWII Holocaust is rarely taught whilst fantasies of the antebellum South are largely mis-taught.

We have far bigger issues than historically outdated makeup applications.  It's not as though there is much threat of racists wearing KKK hoods and blackface today.  Of course, there is apparently far greater threats of infanticide and late-term abortions, whether or not performed by doctors - which is another Northam controversy.  It is a great sadness that to all too many people, the blackface controversy is drawing more calls for Northam's resignation than his comments on killing babies of whatever skin color.

Sunday, January 6, 2019


If slavery is offensive & hurtful (feelings vary by skin color) and cotton is racist, why aren't alcohol, sugar & tobacco
just as offensive, hurtful & racist?  <Triangle Trade of slavery-goods-raw materials image> <cotton image>

     I've been viewing some excellent episodes on our 1st 41 presidents on YouTube entitled "Life Portrait" from C-SPAN.  There's much good history shared in these programs from the 1990s.  Unfortunately, from time to time, some callers (particularly) bring up revisionist commentary regarding slavery (antebellum decades) and "the Klan" (post-bellum).  I wouldn't have minded so much had there been intelligent discussion of the issue, either from an historical survey standpoint or opinion. 
     But I frankly don't credit anyone who tells me what I must think and feel based upon my skin color, nor tells me what I must think others think and feel, based upon their skin color.  Skin color BY ITSELF MEANS NOTHING.  I was completely amused when a lady who self-identified as having mixed-race individuals as parents called in and spoke about how discussions of historic slavery (of SOME of her ancestors, not identifying which ones) INSPIRED her with the endurance and progress of (some of) her people.  More people than her, I would assume, wonder why instead of inspiring others such as is done in the writings of Booker T. Washington, who speaks of the virtues and qualities of his people, their achivements and their character, seek reparations, excuses, affirmative action for the (as we are now told by Left-wing activists) PERMANENTLY disabled.
     The callers are - with the hindsight of two decades' distance now, as well as the convenience of watching all the episodes successively - rather obviously working from rhetorical talking points and strategems to replace discussion of the men and the times with agitation of social justice views depending upon one's skin color.   If we continue to stand by for their division of history and society by skin color, America becomes permanently accursed - because the facts of history cannot be changed.  It's a sad fact about these agitators who claim to be for the "advancement" of their people and against "hate" - to be advocating a philosophy that can only lead to an inevitably permanent second or third-class status.  Their choices either proclaim more loudly than any of their programs that they themselves are racists OR they have nothing better to offer, and ought not be patronized in any way.  This "virtue signalling" is ultimately offensive and hurtful to all future generations, and kicks the can of any discrimination more down the road - thus excusing America's Founders of kicking the emancipation can down the road as they did.
     The result of such "discussions" can only be to set racial divides into stone.  Such people aren't seeking a color-blind society measured by merit and character, the traditional aims of civil rights groups.  Their goals are advancing mediocrity with nothing more substantive to offer than slogans (and one-upmanship depending upon the skin color(s) of the combatants - which one-upmanship is never an issue depending upon other factors).   Political correctness increasingly requires us to view certain words - like "lynching" and "cotton" - as always racially-connected.  Class division has never - thus far - been able to take hold in America, thwarting the methodology of class division which is still current in Europe and most successful in Bolshevik-era Russia. 
     This goal is made more apparent when such callers start discussing reparations or other current topics without any knowledge of the people and issues of the times.  This is a strategy to agitate not only the War of Northern Aggression but the issues and personalities of those times - of course, without any real grasp of issues and the then-current personalities which our ancestors of over 150 years ago would have been familiar with.  We see in the here and now with #FakeNews how political operatives attempt and intend to deceive with lies of commission and omission.  How much easier is it for such people to deceive and manipulate over the events of 150+ years ago (particularly when neglecting the events of all the interim years).
     We are pretty far along the Road to Perdition with regard to revisionist historical narratives misused for political purposes.  What is important for the reader/consumer of such to note is, which side is the one promoting such lies?  Once you determine who has chosen the pathway of lies and self-serving manipulation of history, run away from such people and their pet projects.  You are headed down the path to ruin and waste, with people who care for nothing but to use you.  We already have the example of the Bolsheviks and Stalin, who starved and shot people once they were done using them.  The very same thing happened in the South - where freedmen who didn't toe the Union League/Freedmen Bureau line post-Appomattox found themselves even less valued than the disenfranchised former Confederates, no matter how dark their skin color was.  But these decades following Appomattox - that never get the attention that the four years of the war do, and are negated - shall have to await a further post.  And this is why certain decades must be negated - because our ancestors (of ALL skin colors, who are being dishonored by these manipulations and lies) already went through all this once before.  It is most unfortunate that the achievements of free people AND freedmen are being dishonored so that (largely) criminals, liars and con-men can "wave the bloody shirt" to the ignorant.  But such is what is really going on.
     Many lament the fact of these social changes, and the vast ignorance of the decades and our culture that - forgotten - permit some people to become gullible and stupid with regard to seeing lies and liars for whom and what they are.  As for me, I see something very different - that such are building their house upon sand.  When that sand begins to shift, the houses of lies builded thereon shall crash like mansions on California cliffsides after heavy rains.  And I and others shall be there to write the narratives. 
     In the interim... When you hear about cotton, ask about sugar and tobacco.  Ask those who complain about slavery why it is they complain about legal slavery when the agitation about alcohol began alongside it, as part of the trade as well as a part of the mindset of the abolitionist (Lincoln was a temperance man, for one example - and if you did not know that, WHY NOT?).  The 20th Century revisionist ("2nd era" or "Simmons-Evans) Klan - for one example - was more about temperance/Prohibition than anything else - and in large part it was their allegiance to this issue that is the reason for their rise and fall in the early 1920s than any other reason (also another clear reason why they had nothing to do with the Reconstruction-era legitimate KuKlux).  Prohibition followed abolitionism, both causes leading to Constitutional Amendments.  What happened to all that motivation and political involvement?  And finally... why is race agitated today, but for reasons of "social justice" - and not the past "reasons" of class struggle or the "science" of eugenics?
     I submit that slavery and slaveholders of the antebellum South cannot be indicted or accused without indicting or accusing all those (largely Northerners, since the South was shut out and rebuilding for 50 years).  Y'all can blame Jim Crow all you like - but y'all know where THAT thread leads, doncha?  Yep, Yankee liberals and Lefties have built completely on sand...


Sunday, December 9, 2018

Annie Kenan & Her Family - Lead Fundraiser for the "Silent Sam" Confederate Monument
(The Kenan Family were descended from Original UNC Trustees ~ A Century and More of Service)
Ah, the foolishness surrounding the Silent Sam monument continues unabated.

I just received an update on the current "negotiations" regarding the monument.  As those following the controversy shall recall, BY LAW the current monument was to have been restored by Thanksgiving.  Hoping that no one out there was holding their breath.  We live in lawless times.  As the truth has now turned out, the SAME few Marxist agitators have been directly involved in the violence in Charlottesville, Durham and Chapel Hill = facts the media does not report truthfully.  Worse, they enable the political "hater theater" fraud. 

Dwayne Dixon is still a "professor" at UNC.  Wes Bellamy was made to resign his education post by Terry McAuliffe (who was at a U.S. Conference of Mayors Convention during the Charlottesville weekend - Mitch Landrieu heads the Conference).  He just testified at James Fields' trial, the Toledo boy who plowed into Heather Heyer that weekend.  Since nearly all stories about Confederate monuments shall reiterate Charlottesville or Dylann Roof/Charleston, I thought I should reiterate some points that are never mentioned in the mainstream press.  Dixon & his associates have all been involved - most intentionally - in the Charlottesville mess, and in both the Durham and Chapel Hill takedowns.  I shall also mention that Leftist "seminar" in "taking down monuments" by these miscreants hoping to further agitate the situation.  It's ironic that a guy like Dixon can boast about his gun-toting enjoyments - and now was paid $3000 for the revocation of his concealed carry permit - and the Left says nothing about it.  The live human teaches at UNC, but a statue must be destroyed.  O.K.  Got it.

The truth is that this is precisely how the Simmons-Evans KKK (1915-1945 era) acted - using violence to agitate race for political ends.  The only difference, a century after this lawless terrorism, is that Confederates and "white supremacy" are now being blamed for unrest, whereas in the early 20th Century "white supremacy" was the alleged beneficiary of such tactics.  _(I shall elaborate more on this apparent contradiction on root causes in a later post.)

For now, my letter to UNC on current events.  I think - most days - of the utter mediocrity of today's politics, politicians and public policy, and remember Buckley's suggestion that any random choice of people out of the phone book would do better.  Almost all involved in this failure are devils or, at best, useless.  As for the "community activists" involved, y'all are doing nothing positive for anyone - including yourselves,  It's laughable, really, that any miscreants so lacking in self-awareness have the gall to pretend to have anything worth sharing.

Board of Governors - UNC @ Chapel Hill
I am a resident of South Carolina, but am a California native who moved back to the South after learning of my family history.  I am a descendant of the Harris family that signed the Mecklenburg Declaration.  Further, my ancestors fought alongside General William Richardson Davie, the founding force of the University.
As someone who frequents the UNC archives online often, I respect the legacy that the achievements of past UNC founders and alumni achieved, and the collections which those achievements built.  Thus, I am disgusted that the monument to prior UNC alumni who left their schooling to fight and defend their country and neighbors has been so lied about and desecrated.

I have done research into those who petitioned and raised funds for the Silent Sam monument.  From the Kenan family and Julian Shakespeare Carr (another alumnus slandered in the public press) to the careers of those whose sacrifices Silent Sam commemorates, this entire political theater and muckraking has been an appalling blasphemy against them and against truth and any sort of real education.  And now it has been made public that upset over what was done to the monument is being exploited further to obtain funding for some museum.

All the while, we see delay, delay, delay -- and clear violations of law.  All the while, we see the promotion and coddling of radical Marxist groups and "activists" -- an encouragement of further lawless actions that serve educators who have failed to educate, let alone ensure that UNC shall be made safe for those wishing to learn.  Most pathetically, all this is a dishonor to those past UNC Trustees and Alumni who built up UNC and provided these materials for all these disgraces.

I do not know how any of you sleep at night.  It's people like you who are corrupting our country and what was because you have created and inspired nothing better under your own watches.  And all this is bound to get worse.  Indeed, radical politics exist and flourish amongst mediocrities.  That you are not collectively ashamed to show your faces given what you permit to occur, and are in fact promoting, reveals your own lack of awareness and care for what you are doing.

I can only assume at this point that like the politicians who do not care whether or not people suffer and are even killed in these protests, your political goals are all you care about.  If the University suffers further declines, and if what past generations have built is now lost - for students and North Carolinians of all skin colors, of all generations to come - you do not care, as long as you get whatever it is you are getting out of these lies and frauds.

The fact that you sacrifice not only what has been, but what could be, declares your own knowledge of your failures.  I feel sorry for you - for some day, y'all shall have to account for what you have done.  No wonder you do not wish any reminders of better men and builders - of why you hate them for reminding you of your lacks.

Maeve Magdalen

Monday, September 4, 2017

Dear Mrs. Bryson --

I am writing to express my concerns over the Texas UDC Chapter President Eva B Long's interview
as reported in the Austin (Texas) American Statesman, weblink…/harvey…/x5bQmZDcHUo2z5pEGOxToJ/

This relates to yet another removal, of the plaque placed by (or in honor of) the Children of the Confederacy in 1969 which gives the Creed BEFORE it was surreptitiously changed last year. In pertinent part, the plaque
states "nor was its underlying cause to sustain slavery" which is TRUE, and the Corwin Amendment PROVES IT.   This, of course, is not what Karl Marx wanted to spin things as, as detailed to both Friedrich Engels AND to Abraham Lincoln.

But I do not believe ANY leader OR MEMBER of the United Daughters of the Confederacy ought to be supporting Marx or Lincoln's spin on the rape and slaughter of the South - whether she speaks as an individual or not.

Further, any UDC leader ought to be media-savvy enough to know that her collusion with the enemy of Confederate history shall be reported and used as an official statement of the U.D.C. I do not know if this is being exploited to enable those seeking to rewrite or erase our true history, or destroy the U.D.C. - or both.

Here is the specific language in this article:

Eva B. Long, president of the Texas division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy but speaking as a “concerned Texan” and not for the organization, said she hopes the plaque stays put, calling it an important piece of Texas history.

The plaque contains the original creed of the Children of the Confederacy — an organization comprised of children that is part of United Daughters and is still active, Long said. However, language saying the Civil War wasn’t a rebellion, and that slavery wasn’t an underlying cause, was removed from the group’s creed about five or 10 years ago, she said.

“That was their creed back then; however, that was changed,” Long said, adding that she couldn’t speak to the thinking of the members of the time other than surmising that it was “pretty much what they believed” in the 1950s.

If the plaque is ultimately taken down, Long said she hopes it would be returned to the organization or there would be monetary compensation from the state. <end snippet>

#1 - The language was reported by observers a year or so ago that I noticed others mentioning it. Who decided this? If we are not teaching our children the truth, then this changes the very nature of the U.D.C. from women who stood to Defend the Cause to politically-correct Yankee apologists, enabling the murderers of our ancestors. How does teaching our children COWARDICE "emulate the noble spirit of their fathers"?

#2 - If these words are correct, then this woman has just thrown generations of UDC members under the bus - and it shall be spun that the Texas UDC AGREES that prior generations were white supremacists who were "glorifying" a War fought to sustain slavery. Anyone who sincerely believes these LIES is free to do so as an American - but they have no business in leadership anywhere in the Daughters of the Confederacy - and frankly, no person of integrity could make our oaths and prayers TO ALMIGHTY GOD and believe the lies of the conquerors, let alone enable them to be employed by today's Reconstructionists.

#3 - The proper response of any Daughter is that monuments were intended to be permanent; they ought not be removed, desecrated or reinterpreted by any revisionist; NO DISHONOR, NO COMPROMISES. Then should follow a speech on the ghoulish, ungodly, anti-American nature of those who would suggest such desecration. For this is not merely an attack on the Confederacy. This is an attack on American values, and Americans of ALL skin colors who worked to bring this country together and move forward, not backward.

If the leadership of National is not going to stand up against this onslaught and - given Ginger Rudiger's recent nonsense (and probably more to come), it is past time to unleash the rank and file. If this "I am not speaking on behalf of the organization, but as an individual" is OK, then it ought to be OK for ANY MEMBER TO SO STAND - as though they were free Americans with rights they believe in, as though membership in the United Daughters of the Confederacy is actually worthwhile, and as though we were like any grunt private out of Basic Training in the Armed Forces. Most of us are three times the age (at least) as members of the military, and they are able to wear their medals anywhere (and they do not pay for them; they are awarded to them).

Right now, it certainly appears that descendants of Confederate veterans who WOULD speak out have been purposely hamstrung and muzzled - so that scalawags such as Ms. Long and Ms. Rudiger can spew the conqueror's LIES - as General Patrick Cleburne predicted.

Either the United Daughters of the Confederacy DEFENDS THE CAUSE, or y'all shall kill the organization and all our foremothers worked to build. Even during Reconstruction, true history was not attacked. If people do not have the stamina to LEAD and PUT DOWN this collusion with the enemy, YOU ALL shall be responsible for what happens.

Many are already saying that this betrayal is what is and has been intended. Time shall tell. OUR LORD was betrayed by one close to Him - in order to prepare us for this fallen world. And I have been well-prepared more than most. For what is to come, I am thankful.

I do not envy you your position at this time in American History. But as long as you hold it, yours is the Duty. May you honor that duty as our noble ancestors did, and that is NOT by surrendering - not until death. For to surrender the Truth of our Fathers and Mothers is to already be dead, and to have to answer to them and to God.

Deo Vindice,

Catherine Harris
GG-Granddaughter of Alexander Ewing Harris, Jr.
3rd Corporal, Co. B, 29th Georgia Cavalry Battalion
Campbell's Siege Artillery (Georgia)

Saturday, June 3, 2017

.  .  I never thought of myself much as a "normal" person - but God has kept me safe once before, through a trying time - growing up as (what Mark Levin calls) a liberal drone (more wannabe "60s flower child) in 1960s-1970s California. California then was not what it has become; but this too was a lesson for now, when it counts.
. . . After a few incidents I have experienced personally, after the Charleston Nine and its aftermath, now with New Orleans (and all the live feeds)... through it all, the misguided who spew on social media, and the near constant hovering of the haters... It wasn't until last weekend's "attention" from this Brad Griffin/Hunter Wallace character that I made certain connections. (I've now spent some time looking in some of the "usual suspect" areas, which confirms some of the promptings I have felt this week.) And I have something to say.
. . . Mr. Griffin seemed quite interested in convincing me that I was a "Rainbow Confederate." I had not heard the term before save in one context - of an alleged homosexual person who claimed to be following that interest as well as honoring his Confederate heritage (debatable as to whether such is possible). It appears that whatever my prior introduction to this term was about, the current "narrative" is that "rainbow Confederates" are those of us who believe that the CSA was a wonderland of racial integration, of "modern racial attitudes" revising the actual history of secessionist areas during the 1860s. The persons promulgating such a "narrative" appear to run the gamut - from far Left groups who habitually divide and define everything along racial lines, and have decreed that anyone and anything Confederate was (and are) racist -- to far alt-right groups - Klan, LOSers, neo-Nazis and the like who - whatever else they believe - also habitually divide and define everything along racial lines. (I tend to use the shorthand "haters on the right AND the left in my own head, though I rarely use it in public - since no one that believes in race group divisions along political and social lines is conservative).
. . . What concerned me most about Mr. Griffin was his youth - and his family ties. We know that hate is taught. But in Mr. Griffin's desire to keep introducing examples of the worst racist literature as "exhibits" to prove his points (such as they were), I was reminded of the pedophile that introduces his targets to porn in order to sexualize and corrupt; to deaden innocence and health. I am not saying that racism is a form of sexual perversion. What I am saying is that it is LIKE sexual perversion - a sin that is of the flesh, that combines sinful pride and gluttony and idolatry,
. . . Beauregard was correct when he wrote that race troubles were largely imaginary. Now, to some people, such a statement might seem delusional. Beauregard was writing in 1873, at the height of Reconstruction in Louisiana; and today people make livings off of exploiting what the PC-culture calls racial issues. A man became the 44th President due to the race factor. I say again - Beauregard was right; this idea of racial categories since 1865 is one of the worst deceptions of the devil.
. . . But do not tell the race haters - the RODs - that. The Leftists who promote multiculturalism need the Caucasian of Confederate ancestry for a continued enemy. This is an imagined construction of our fathers, a useful (to RODs) strawman which justifies both the racist hater and the Marxist (pretend) anti-hater, who both divide. There were legal reasons for racial descriptions in slavery days; but it was Reconstruction and carpetbag pitting of the races one against the other that turned the APPLIED descriptions to evil. And then eugenics was introduced, to a world still desperate to understand God's Purpose for the war, and the loss of so many brave men. It was a time when science would produce miracles; only this time, racial and Darwinian evolutionary "science" was godless, and the lessons of Frankenstein's monster were to be taught.
. . . There shall always be those fools - and there were such back in the 19th Century - who have one skin color and believe that is some great virtue (even though it is something they had no agency in). They make skin color into a fetish. The Marxist needs Americans to feel guilt about our history and our military men. The wannabe tyrant needs people to be conflicted about even the possibility of free Americans who know to defend their rights, sure defenders as our Confederate ancestors were. We are not allowed heroes, virtue and honor by the haters of either "side." All such are mutually-supportive agitators - the haters of American virtue depend upon the racial dividers. All hate this country and their neighbors - the malcontents and miscreants who are disturbers of the peace of this world...
. . . People of character and substance neither care nor think about their skin color or arbitrary racial category. They certainly do not compound lies on top of lies, and violate God's laws about false witness and idolatry by creating division amongst people and reducing the individual to the definition provided by skin color.
. . . So when some young man of a third of my experience of life tries to tell me about the men of the Confederacy, all I can do is feel sorry for him - that he has been corrupted by liars with a tool - this race obsession - and like pornography, it has wrapped its tentacles around his sad heart. Whether it's Marx, or race hatred, or molestation, it's all corruption. I can actually feel fortunate; when the pedophile network was destroying my community youth activity, at least my music was something genuine I was losing - that America at large was losing. Whether it is liberalism, sexual identity politics or racial theories, all of those things ought to be lost as quickly as possible as built upon sand - that blinds one; and once lost, one has a chance to build that which is built upon a rock.
. . . Ever since I was a child and first heard of them, I thought that any white supremacist that was truly interested in the "superiority" of the race would never waste any of their time on worrying about other races - they would be too busy policing their own as well as developing further their fellows in their great culture, under God. Such RODs cannot have a clue as to the great Confederates whom we honor. Such Marxist manipulators of language cannot understand the words of our ancestors who lived and worked alongside their neighbors for God and their community. No, I would never compare my Confederate ancestors with having "modern" ideas. They were better than that - which is why they must not be dishonored by RODs.
. . . Thus, whether Marxist, Pan-African, Supremacist (of whatever color) or gender role revisionist, such people are degenerates who are tools in the attacks on America and the Confederacy - the finest cultures outside of Israel - under God, that we have had on this planet. It's the RODs who, with their fetish and generational seduction of the vulnerable with the sin of their race divisions, are tools in rotting America from within.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

So for those of you who get Mr. H.K. Edgerton's newsletter, you shall know that one of the "GRANNIES" - our not-so affectionate term in the heritage movement for those who appear to believe their "service" as members and officers in heritage organizations makes them more special than the lowest Confederate bleeding to death in his home soil - just took H.K. to task for neglecting to praise and thank them as they had wished for providing certain accoutrements to H.K.  It's as though anything H.K. wrote initially about the Yankee spin at a purported Battle of Olustee event, where my gg-grand-uncle Frank Harris served when it counted, was wrong.

Must be nice to get to run things, even how others treat one and abuse them for not meeting one's expectations.  I shall most certainly never experience THAT level of "power."  Pretty heady stuff - which is the problem.

It's one thing to feel slighted. But for a mature adult to COMPLAIN to H.K. - when they are SUPPOSEDLY a LEADER, and H.K. a genuine fighter on the front lines, is wrong IMO.  H.K. didn't see anyone standing beside him taking on the Yankee tool spewing Marxist revisionism about Frederick Douglass and the abolitionists - and at a CONFEDERATE VICTORY ON SOUTHERN SOIL!!  Where were these people when they were needed, hmmmm?  Let's see the email correcting the Yankee reenactor.  I won't hold my breath.  Where's the letters to the editors?  Where's the new event at the site to ensure the Southern viewpoint is properly addressed?

I have been meaning to write on this topic for some time - on how certain people in supposed heritage organizations appear to believe that said heritage organizations are all about THEM and THEIR resume credits.  This writer is a FIRM believer that if one has any resume credits, the ONLY thing such earns one is an indication that one has the responsibility and ability to FIGHT and ADVOCATE for the right.  People who employ their resume credits, such as they are, as a means to BULLY PEOPLE and attempt to win arguments earn nothing but my scorn.  Such tactics belong to the Marxist Left, which infamously grant awards and gobble up the goodwill of organizations and institutions as they manipulate names and language in order to deceive and manipulate people.  These are the tools of the devil, and not those of HONEST and HONORABLE people.  So check yourselves for these "reconstructed" tendencies.

Oh yes -- Am still awaiting, from these self-appointed leaders and experts, the FULL DETAILING of the eugenicist movement participation and lack of leadership to counter the Klan and all the other details that give aid and comfort to the enemy.  There are STILL known racists who work the heritage movement for their own agendae who do not get expelled and called out - and I include Waite Rawls and all those who are helping enable whichever haters on what are perceived as BOTH sides of these debates.  You see, folks - people with money and power look down on the little guy, as the North looked upon the South as its vassal states, to be raped and exploited as the "elite" would choose.  This is why rednecks, whether of 1600s Scotland or 2017 Confederate States are so very valuable - the whole KISS OUR REBEL BEHINDs attitude.  The Grannies don't like it, but I sure do.  God bless them.  There is nothing more Pharisee-like than the elites attempting to grind the poor man into the dust because they are incapable of addressing and leading on the merits.

Of  course, I have oft been accused of insulting people, and I openly admit I do not have the talent of stroking egos that our enemies have. Half of what the Leftist does is buy people, whether via money or ego or power purchases.  But honor cannot be purchased nor sold.  As for me, I am but a miserable sinner without the right to raise my head from the dust, as are we all.  When we stand before God and our ancestors, they won't care about our resume credits and earthly titles.  They shall be adjudging how we advanced the Cause - of God, country and the Truth - and supported those who did so.

And since some of y'all seem to infer from SOME criticism that Y'ALL are intended, I say "IF THE SHOE FITS." Your position in ANY organization MEANS NOTHING - as I am constantly told mine MEANS NOTHING, told I cannot speak nor own it WITHOUT PERMISSION.   The lowest and youngest private in the military can wear their medals wherever - because such medals are genuine and intended for all audiences.  It is not just each other that we shoot in the circular firing squad, but each other and what we ourselves do.  We limit ourselves, and we prevent anyone looking for something GENUINE - that needs neither explanation nor apology - from becoming interested.  <disclaimer - I realize I may be accused of participating in circular firing squad tactics myself here; but at this point, when our monuments and flags are under such assault, and Karl Marx's definition of "The War is All About Slavery" dominant as the Leftist, low-information, South-hating agenda runs rampant, we must sift the wheat from the chaff and remove those who care more for their "power" to "manage" Confederates and the Cause than they care that we are under assault.)

It's not just the heritage organizations, either - but those who would exploit heritage for any reason.  Parasites who desire to misappropriate the love people have for the Truth and their fathers, who want money, power and ego-boosts, need to know plenty are TICKED about y'all and shall not stand for this.  Pro-Confederates - if we are to grow - need to better welcome the new person, whether or not they have money (any race or background, that goes without saying on my blog - but I put it here in case the new person should come calling to this essay first).  This means we do not allow new people to fend for themselves when we know the parasites and the liars who pester us shall target them.  Remember that a Southern lady and gentleman doesn't allow wolves, whether or not in sheep's clothing or from whichever side, go a-lambing.

If you want to join a social club, do so.  But the heritage organizations were founded by people who wished to honor and commemorate the Confederate soldier and what HE believed for ALL TIME.  If you are not ready to stand and defend him and them, then you need to GET OUT.  I, for one, shall stand for this and let the chips fall where they may.  I shall not stand and await our enemies, who are many, to STEAL what THEY did in order to use it against us.  I have already lived through this in other areas, and I shall NEVER stand by for it now, on the inside or the outside.  Like the Israelites at the Golden Calf, each person MUST CHOOSE.

So here's what I sent H.K. as a response, and I share it here publicly:

HK --

The ladies and gentlemen of the SCV and UDC, in particular, need to quit engaging in the circular firing squad activities because you are a Christian gentleman. They need to remember General Lee surrendering at Appomattox, Jefferson Davis in prison in chains, and Christ on the Cross, and ask why they deserve more than them.

They need to wish you Godspeed. I know how you are, and how the whiners whine - just like they did at Columbia when you changed the agenda to go talk to those Muslim haters and got death threats, profane insults and blasphemy in thanks.
[added blog note - it was not (necessarily) SCV and UDC members here that I speak about, but those also who pretended to support H.K. and pro-heritage efforts.]

And you can tell anyone and everyone that this white girl said so.

-- Maeve Magdalen

Sunday, January 22, 2017

I can see now that this Blog is going to evolve as a place where I want to save and share my more important posts from Facebook, to a wider audience.  This may make it a bit more strident than I normally am and try to be.  I am sure that over time I shall better develop what this Blog ought to and needs to be.  But for this post, it must be a snippet of a larger argument.  Those wishing to know more shall have to follow me, Maeve Magdalen, on Twitter and Facebook.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
<disclaimer - this is only for those for whom the shoe fits>
.....I have had a few instances over the past few months of people liking and sharing a bunch of my posts, and then they get snarky with me. This is FB. If you don't like someone or something, WALK AWAY. If you aren't here to add good things in my life and help me, WALK AWAY.
.....I realize I am not the easiest person to get to know. But that's not the point. I take it on the chin from others all the time.
ALL... THE.... TIME...
.....ALL THE TIME ~ EACH AND EVERY DAY ~ I take up my Cross. For those who say I have an ego, or am being prideful - you don't know me and have a VERY limited understanding of people (probably projecting).
.....The written word, as much effort as I have put into it, is imperfect. I don't post here for my health or enjoyment, but mostly to serve God as imperfectly as I do. I have things to say that reflect the pathways that GOD has chosen for me; He knows what He has put me through, and it's rarely been what I wanted it to be. If you are a friend or guest here, you accept by participating these requirements. If you do not, there are PLENTY of other places for you to choose from.
.....I am not the only one getting snark, or I wouldn't have bothered with this. We don't know how much of it is FB's "upgrades" (tracking, spying, manipulation) or more directed by other agents. Just know that at least as far as I am concerned, I have taken on the worst - and WON, against money, numbers, and people who want(ed) to kill me not because I merely sought to hold them accountable, but because I REFUSED to stand by as they did to others what they had done to me - and bragged about their "power" to do so.
.....I know that the LORD is using me for the time when the CONNECTION between those people and "those people" comes together, to the UTTER DESTRUCTION OF BOTH. You want to take me on? BRING IT. SHOW YOURSELF for the person who seeks to add pain and evil to others and OWN IT. Cowards!
Romans 8:28 ~

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.