Sunday, December 9, 2018

Annie Kenan & Her Family - Lead Fundraiser for the "Silent Sam" Confederate Monument
(The Kenan Family were descended from Original UNC Trustees ~ A Century and More of Service)
Ah, the foolishness surrounding the Silent Sam monument continues unabated.

I just received an update on the current "negotiations" regarding the monument.  As those following the controversy shall recall, BY LAW the current monument was to have been restored by Thanksgiving.  Hoping that no one out there was holding their breath.  We live in lawless times.  As the truth has now turned out, the SAME few Marxist agitators have been directly involved in the violence in Charlottesville, Durham and Chapel Hill = facts the media does not report truthfully.  Worse, they enable the political "hater theater" fraud. 

Dwayne Dixon is still a "professor" at UNC.  Wes Bellamy was made to resign his education post by Terry McAuliffe (who was at a U.S. Conference of Mayors Convention during the Charlottesville weekend - Mitch Landrieu heads the Conference).  He just testified at James Fields' trial, the Toledo boy who plowed into Heather Heyer that weekend.  Since nearly all stories about Confederate monuments shall reiterate Charlottesville or Dylann Roof/Charleston, I thought I should reiterate some points that are never mentioned in the mainstream press.  Dixon & his associates have all been involved - most intentionally - in the Charlottesville mess, and in both the Durham and Chapel Hill takedowns.  I shall also mention that Leftist "seminar" in "taking down monuments" by these miscreants hoping to further agitate the situation.  It's ironic that a guy like Dixon can boast about his gun-toting enjoyments - and now was paid $3000 for the revocation of his concealed carry permit - and the Left says nothing about it.  The live human teaches at UNC, but a statue must be destroyed.  O.K.  Got it.

The truth is that this is precisely how the Simmons-Evans KKK (1915-1945 era) acted - using violence to agitate race for political ends.  The only difference, a century after this lawless terrorism, is that Confederates and "white supremacy" are now being blamed for unrest, whereas in the early 20th Century "white supremacy" was the alleged beneficiary of such tactics.  _(I shall elaborate more on this apparent contradiction on root causes in a later post.)

For now, my letter to UNC on current events.  I think - most days - of the utter mediocrity of today's politics, politicians and public policy, and remember Buckley's suggestion that any random choice of people out of the phone book would do better.  Almost all involved in this failure are devils or, at best, useless.  As for the "community activists" involved, y'all are doing nothing positive for anyone - including yourselves,  It's laughable, really, that any miscreants so lacking in self-awareness have the gall to pretend to have anything worth sharing.

Board of Governors - UNC @ Chapel Hill
I am a resident of South Carolina, but am a California native who moved back to the South after learning of my family history.  I am a descendant of the Harris family that signed the Mecklenburg Declaration.  Further, my ancestors fought alongside General William Richardson Davie, the founding force of the University.
As someone who frequents the UNC archives online often, I respect the legacy that the achievements of past UNC founders and alumni achieved, and the collections which those achievements built.  Thus, I am disgusted that the monument to prior UNC alumni who left their schooling to fight and defend their country and neighbors has been so lied about and desecrated.

I have done research into those who petitioned and raised funds for the Silent Sam monument.  From the Kenan family and Julian Shakespeare Carr (another alumnus slandered in the public press) to the careers of those whose sacrifices Silent Sam commemorates, this entire political theater and muckraking has been an appalling blasphemy against them and against truth and any sort of real education.  And now it has been made public that upset over what was done to the monument is being exploited further to obtain funding for some museum.

All the while, we see delay, delay, delay -- and clear violations of law.  All the while, we see the promotion and coddling of radical Marxist groups and "activists" -- an encouragement of further lawless actions that serve educators who have failed to educate, let alone ensure that UNC shall be made safe for those wishing to learn.  Most pathetically, all this is a dishonor to those past UNC Trustees and Alumni who built up UNC and provided these materials for all these disgraces.

I do not know how any of you sleep at night.  It's people like you who are corrupting our country and what was because you have created and inspired nothing better under your own watches.  And all this is bound to get worse.  Indeed, radical politics exist and flourish amongst mediocrities.  That you are not collectively ashamed to show your faces given what you permit to occur, and are in fact promoting, reveals your own lack of awareness and care for what you are doing.

I can only assume at this point that like the politicians who do not care whether or not people suffer and are even killed in these protests, your political goals are all you care about.  If the University suffers further declines, and if what past generations have built is now lost - for students and North Carolinians of all skin colors, of all generations to come - you do not care, as long as you get whatever it is you are getting out of these lies and frauds.

The fact that you sacrifice not only what has been, but what could be, declares your own knowledge of your failures.  I feel sorry for you - for some day, y'all shall have to account for what you have done.  No wonder you do not wish any reminders of better men and builders - of why you hate them for reminding you of your lacks.

Maeve Magdalen

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