Monday, September 4, 2017

Dear Mrs. Bryson --

I am writing to express my concerns over the Texas UDC Chapter President Eva B Long's interview
as reported in the Austin (Texas) American Statesman, weblink…/harvey…/x5bQmZDcHUo2z5pEGOxToJ/

This relates to yet another removal, of the plaque placed by (or in honor of) the Children of the Confederacy in 1969 which gives the Creed BEFORE it was surreptitiously changed last year. In pertinent part, the plaque
states "nor was its underlying cause to sustain slavery" which is TRUE, and the Corwin Amendment PROVES IT.   This, of course, is not what Karl Marx wanted to spin things as, as detailed to both Friedrich Engels AND to Abraham Lincoln.

But I do not believe ANY leader OR MEMBER of the United Daughters of the Confederacy ought to be supporting Marx or Lincoln's spin on the rape and slaughter of the South - whether she speaks as an individual or not.

Further, any UDC leader ought to be media-savvy enough to know that her collusion with the enemy of Confederate history shall be reported and used as an official statement of the U.D.C. I do not know if this is being exploited to enable those seeking to rewrite or erase our true history, or destroy the U.D.C. - or both.

Here is the specific language in this article:

Eva B. Long, president of the Texas division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy but speaking as a “concerned Texan” and not for the organization, said she hopes the plaque stays put, calling it an important piece of Texas history.

The plaque contains the original creed of the Children of the Confederacy — an organization comprised of children that is part of United Daughters and is still active, Long said. However, language saying the Civil War wasn’t a rebellion, and that slavery wasn’t an underlying cause, was removed from the group’s creed about five or 10 years ago, she said.

“That was their creed back then; however, that was changed,” Long said, adding that she couldn’t speak to the thinking of the members of the time other than surmising that it was “pretty much what they believed” in the 1950s.

If the plaque is ultimately taken down, Long said she hopes it would be returned to the organization or there would be monetary compensation from the state. <end snippet>

#1 - The language was reported by observers a year or so ago that I noticed others mentioning it. Who decided this? If we are not teaching our children the truth, then this changes the very nature of the U.D.C. from women who stood to Defend the Cause to politically-correct Yankee apologists, enabling the murderers of our ancestors. How does teaching our children COWARDICE "emulate the noble spirit of their fathers"?

#2 - If these words are correct, then this woman has just thrown generations of UDC members under the bus - and it shall be spun that the Texas UDC AGREES that prior generations were white supremacists who were "glorifying" a War fought to sustain slavery. Anyone who sincerely believes these LIES is free to do so as an American - but they have no business in leadership anywhere in the Daughters of the Confederacy - and frankly, no person of integrity could make our oaths and prayers TO ALMIGHTY GOD and believe the lies of the conquerors, let alone enable them to be employed by today's Reconstructionists.

#3 - The proper response of any Daughter is that monuments were intended to be permanent; they ought not be removed, desecrated or reinterpreted by any revisionist; NO DISHONOR, NO COMPROMISES. Then should follow a speech on the ghoulish, ungodly, anti-American nature of those who would suggest such desecration. For this is not merely an attack on the Confederacy. This is an attack on American values, and Americans of ALL skin colors who worked to bring this country together and move forward, not backward.

If the leadership of National is not going to stand up against this onslaught and - given Ginger Rudiger's recent nonsense (and probably more to come), it is past time to unleash the rank and file. If this "I am not speaking on behalf of the organization, but as an individual" is OK, then it ought to be OK for ANY MEMBER TO SO STAND - as though they were free Americans with rights they believe in, as though membership in the United Daughters of the Confederacy is actually worthwhile, and as though we were like any grunt private out of Basic Training in the Armed Forces. Most of us are three times the age (at least) as members of the military, and they are able to wear their medals anywhere (and they do not pay for them; they are awarded to them).

Right now, it certainly appears that descendants of Confederate veterans who WOULD speak out have been purposely hamstrung and muzzled - so that scalawags such as Ms. Long and Ms. Rudiger can spew the conqueror's LIES - as General Patrick Cleburne predicted.

Either the United Daughters of the Confederacy DEFENDS THE CAUSE, or y'all shall kill the organization and all our foremothers worked to build. Even during Reconstruction, true history was not attacked. If people do not have the stamina to LEAD and PUT DOWN this collusion with the enemy, YOU ALL shall be responsible for what happens.

Many are already saying that this betrayal is what is and has been intended. Time shall tell. OUR LORD was betrayed by one close to Him - in order to prepare us for this fallen world. And I have been well-prepared more than most. For what is to come, I am thankful.

I do not envy you your position at this time in American History. But as long as you hold it, yours is the Duty. May you honor that duty as our noble ancestors did, and that is NOT by surrendering - not until death. For to surrender the Truth of our Fathers and Mothers is to already be dead, and to have to answer to them and to God.

Deo Vindice,

Catherine Harris
GG-Granddaughter of Alexander Ewing Harris, Jr.
3rd Corporal, Co. B, 29th Georgia Cavalry Battalion
Campbell's Siege Artillery (Georgia)