Sunday, February 19, 2017

So for those of you who get Mr. H.K. Edgerton's newsletter, you shall know that one of the "GRANNIES" - our not-so affectionate term in the heritage movement for those who appear to believe their "service" as members and officers in heritage organizations makes them more special than the lowest Confederate bleeding to death in his home soil - just took H.K. to task for neglecting to praise and thank them as they had wished for providing certain accoutrements to H.K.  It's as though anything H.K. wrote initially about the Yankee spin at a purported Battle of Olustee event, where my gg-grand-uncle Frank Harris served when it counted, was wrong.

Must be nice to get to run things, even how others treat one and abuse them for not meeting one's expectations.  I shall most certainly never experience THAT level of "power."  Pretty heady stuff - which is the problem.

It's one thing to feel slighted. But for a mature adult to COMPLAIN to H.K. - when they are SUPPOSEDLY a LEADER, and H.K. a genuine fighter on the front lines, is wrong IMO.  H.K. didn't see anyone standing beside him taking on the Yankee tool spewing Marxist revisionism about Frederick Douglass and the abolitionists - and at a CONFEDERATE VICTORY ON SOUTHERN SOIL!!  Where were these people when they were needed, hmmmm?  Let's see the email correcting the Yankee reenactor.  I won't hold my breath.  Where's the letters to the editors?  Where's the new event at the site to ensure the Southern viewpoint is properly addressed?

I have been meaning to write on this topic for some time - on how certain people in supposed heritage organizations appear to believe that said heritage organizations are all about THEM and THEIR resume credits.  This writer is a FIRM believer that if one has any resume credits, the ONLY thing such earns one is an indication that one has the responsibility and ability to FIGHT and ADVOCATE for the right.  People who employ their resume credits, such as they are, as a means to BULLY PEOPLE and attempt to win arguments earn nothing but my scorn.  Such tactics belong to the Marxist Left, which infamously grant awards and gobble up the goodwill of organizations and institutions as they manipulate names and language in order to deceive and manipulate people.  These are the tools of the devil, and not those of HONEST and HONORABLE people.  So check yourselves for these "reconstructed" tendencies.

Oh yes -- Am still awaiting, from these self-appointed leaders and experts, the FULL DETAILING of the eugenicist movement participation and lack of leadership to counter the Klan and all the other details that give aid and comfort to the enemy.  There are STILL known racists who work the heritage movement for their own agendae who do not get expelled and called out - and I include Waite Rawls and all those who are helping enable whichever haters on what are perceived as BOTH sides of these debates.  You see, folks - people with money and power look down on the little guy, as the North looked upon the South as its vassal states, to be raped and exploited as the "elite" would choose.  This is why rednecks, whether of 1600s Scotland or 2017 Confederate States are so very valuable - the whole KISS OUR REBEL BEHINDs attitude.  The Grannies don't like it, but I sure do.  God bless them.  There is nothing more Pharisee-like than the elites attempting to grind the poor man into the dust because they are incapable of addressing and leading on the merits.

Of  course, I have oft been accused of insulting people, and I openly admit I do not have the talent of stroking egos that our enemies have. Half of what the Leftist does is buy people, whether via money or ego or power purchases.  But honor cannot be purchased nor sold.  As for me, I am but a miserable sinner without the right to raise my head from the dust, as are we all.  When we stand before God and our ancestors, they won't care about our resume credits and earthly titles.  They shall be adjudging how we advanced the Cause - of God, country and the Truth - and supported those who did so.

And since some of y'all seem to infer from SOME criticism that Y'ALL are intended, I say "IF THE SHOE FITS." Your position in ANY organization MEANS NOTHING - as I am constantly told mine MEANS NOTHING, told I cannot speak nor own it WITHOUT PERMISSION.   The lowest and youngest private in the military can wear their medals wherever - because such medals are genuine and intended for all audiences.  It is not just each other that we shoot in the circular firing squad, but each other and what we ourselves do.  We limit ourselves, and we prevent anyone looking for something GENUINE - that needs neither explanation nor apology - from becoming interested.  <disclaimer - I realize I may be accused of participating in circular firing squad tactics myself here; but at this point, when our monuments and flags are under such assault, and Karl Marx's definition of "The War is All About Slavery" dominant as the Leftist, low-information, South-hating agenda runs rampant, we must sift the wheat from the chaff and remove those who care more for their "power" to "manage" Confederates and the Cause than they care that we are under assault.)

It's not just the heritage organizations, either - but those who would exploit heritage for any reason.  Parasites who desire to misappropriate the love people have for the Truth and their fathers, who want money, power and ego-boosts, need to know plenty are TICKED about y'all and shall not stand for this.  Pro-Confederates - if we are to grow - need to better welcome the new person, whether or not they have money (any race or background, that goes without saying on my blog - but I put it here in case the new person should come calling to this essay first).  This means we do not allow new people to fend for themselves when we know the parasites and the liars who pester us shall target them.  Remember that a Southern lady and gentleman doesn't allow wolves, whether or not in sheep's clothing or from whichever side, go a-lambing.

If you want to join a social club, do so.  But the heritage organizations were founded by people who wished to honor and commemorate the Confederate soldier and what HE believed for ALL TIME.  If you are not ready to stand and defend him and them, then you need to GET OUT.  I, for one, shall stand for this and let the chips fall where they may.  I shall not stand and await our enemies, who are many, to STEAL what THEY did in order to use it against us.  I have already lived through this in other areas, and I shall NEVER stand by for it now, on the inside or the outside.  Like the Israelites at the Golden Calf, each person MUST CHOOSE.

So here's what I sent H.K. as a response, and I share it here publicly:

HK --

The ladies and gentlemen of the SCV and UDC, in particular, need to quit engaging in the circular firing squad activities because you are a Christian gentleman. They need to remember General Lee surrendering at Appomattox, Jefferson Davis in prison in chains, and Christ on the Cross, and ask why they deserve more than them.

They need to wish you Godspeed. I know how you are, and how the whiners whine - just like they did at Columbia when you changed the agenda to go talk to those Muslim haters and got death threats, profane insults and blasphemy in thanks.
[added blog note - it was not (necessarily) SCV and UDC members here that I speak about, but those also who pretended to support H.K. and pro-heritage efforts.]

And you can tell anyone and everyone that this white girl said so.

-- Maeve Magdalen