Sunday, January 22, 2017

I can see now that this Blog is going to evolve as a place where I want to save and share my more important posts from Facebook, to a wider audience.  This may make it a bit more strident than I normally am and try to be.  I am sure that over time I shall better develop what this Blog ought to and needs to be.  But for this post, it must be a snippet of a larger argument.  Those wishing to know more shall have to follow me, Maeve Magdalen, on Twitter and Facebook.
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<disclaimer - this is only for those for whom the shoe fits>
.....I have had a few instances over the past few months of people liking and sharing a bunch of my posts, and then they get snarky with me. This is FB. If you don't like someone or something, WALK AWAY. If you aren't here to add good things in my life and help me, WALK AWAY.
.....I realize I am not the easiest person to get to know. But that's not the point. I take it on the chin from others all the time.
ALL... THE.... TIME...
.....ALL THE TIME ~ EACH AND EVERY DAY ~ I take up my Cross. For those who say I have an ego, or am being prideful - you don't know me and have a VERY limited understanding of people (probably projecting).
.....The written word, as much effort as I have put into it, is imperfect. I don't post here for my health or enjoyment, but mostly to serve God as imperfectly as I do. I have things to say that reflect the pathways that GOD has chosen for me; He knows what He has put me through, and it's rarely been what I wanted it to be. If you are a friend or guest here, you accept by participating these requirements. If you do not, there are PLENTY of other places for you to choose from.
.....I am not the only one getting snark, or I wouldn't have bothered with this. We don't know how much of it is FB's "upgrades" (tracking, spying, manipulation) or more directed by other agents. Just know that at least as far as I am concerned, I have taken on the worst - and WON, against money, numbers, and people who want(ed) to kill me not because I merely sought to hold them accountable, but because I REFUSED to stand by as they did to others what they had done to me - and bragged about their "power" to do so.
.....I know that the LORD is using me for the time when the CONNECTION between those people and "those people" comes together, to the UTTER DESTRUCTION OF BOTH. You want to take me on? BRING IT. SHOW YOURSELF for the person who seeks to add pain and evil to others and OWN IT. Cowards!
Romans 8:28 ~

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.